About Us

Who we are:

We are a Bespoke/ Custom/ Boutique Advisory Consulting Firm.
We optimize the financial rewards of Self Funding.

Our solutions include Guarantee Issue Stop Loss Options for businesses of all sizes.

Our clients financially gain year over year from our experience.

Why We Exist

iPlanRx believes the #1 drag on your organizational wealth is attributable to a lie….it is a falsehood that all American business has been taught and had it passed off to them as if it were true. The lie is that there is nothing you can do about the way that you manage risk within your healthcare spend.

They are wrong.

The sad outcome of this lie is that it is costing American business and their employees billions of dollars a year.

We are on a mission to change this almost criminal outcome. iPlanRx is on a mission to help American business and their employees retain $100,000,000.00 in capital within the next 5 years. 

What We Do

Let’s talk about what matters

The right answers to the wrong questions lead to institutionalized mediocrity.

Simply put: The game has been rigged against you. How long are you going to accept this?!

We will change your direction…there is a better way!

We will ask you the right questions to identify where your current strategy is a failed exercise and then we will pinpoint opportunities to change the game in a new direction that favors you.

We provide you a multi-year financial projection that illustrates how our solutions will financially outperform your current strategy.

We guarantee our consultative strategic value with financial ‘skin in the game’

Isn’t it time to let the truth set your company free!

iPlanRx is ready to help you make the leap. We are ready to ask you the right questions, to provide you measurable results backed by financial performance guarantees, with a proven track record of success spanning over 12 years.

Does that sound refreshing? Would you care to join us?

We invite you to experience the difference our perspective will share with your company, your employee’s, and become your competitive advantage for the future.